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Introducing the FunCation Academy Video Views Contest! 🎥

We’re inviting all active FunCation families to showcase their homeschool journey and creativity for a chance to win $500!

Simply create and share videos of your family using FunCation Academy and tag them with #FunCationSpotlight.

The family with the most combined video views will take home the grand prize, and there’s an additional $250 bonus for the most comments!

Don’t miss this opportunity to share your story and engage with our fantastic community. Ready to shine? Submit your video today, and let’s see your FunCation in action!

FunCation Academy Video Views Contest Rules:

Contest Dates:

  • The contest will run for four (4) weeks, starting September 15, 2024, and ending October 13, 2024. All video submissions must be uploaded and shared by the end of the contest period.


How to Enter:

  • Create and upload videos of your family using FunCation Academy.

  • All videos must use the hashtag #FunCationSpotlight in the caption to be eligible for the contest.

  • You can share your videos on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok! Feel free to create and share multiple videos throughout the contest period.


View Requirements:

  • Each participant must accumulate a minimum of 500 combined views across all videos submitted during the contest to be eligible for the grand prize.

  • Only views from videos tagged with #FunCationSpotlight will be counted towards your total.



  • The family with the most combined video views of at least 500 across all their submitted videos will win $500 cash.

  • The winner of the most video views can also win an additional $250 bonus if they have the most comments across all their videos.

  • Note: Only the video views winner can win the bonus prize for most comments.


Engagement for Bonus Prize:

  • To be eligible for the $250 comment bonus, your video(s) must have the most combined comments across all submissions.

  • Comments must be genuine, engaging, and relevant to the video content. Duplicate comments from the same user will not be counted.


Content Use:

  • By participating in the contest, you grant FunCation Academy permission to use your video(s) on our social media platforms, including running paid ads featuring your content.

  • FunCation Academy may edit and repurpose your videos for promotional use during and after the contest.


Editing and Creativity:

  • You are encouraged to edit your videos to add music, text, or other creative elements. However, the content must still be authentic and showcase your family’s real experience with FunCation Academy.

  • Be as creative as possible! Show off what makes FunCation unique for your family, whether it’s interactive lessons, FunClubs, or other campus activities.


Boosting Views:

  • You can boost your video views by sharing your content across social media.

  • Do not use paid methods like running ads or boosting posts.

  • All views should come from real users. Fake views (e.g., from bots, illegitimate services, or self) will not be counted and may lead to disqualification.

  • Make sure your video includes the hashtag #FunCationSpotlight.


Submission Rules:

  • Videos must be family-friendly and showcase your family’s experience with FunCation Academy. Inappropriate content or language will result in disqualification.

  • You can submit as many videos as you like, but the winner will be determined by the combined view count across all videos.


Winner Announcement:

  • Winners will be announced on FunCation Academy's Facebook Page and Group on October 16, 2024.

  • Prize winners will be contacted directly through social media or email to arrange prize distribution.



  • The contest is open to all active FunCation Academy families.

  • Participants must follow all contest rules to remain eligible for prizes.


Be creative, have fun, and let’s see those amazing FunCation moments! 🎥🎉

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